Service / Training


Erdem Makina has gained absolute satisfaction from their clients by providing relevant and quality services both pre-sale and after sale.


Erdem Makina manufactures various kinds of automation machines to foundry facilities, provides trainings and consultancy services regarding these matters as well.


Erdem Makina provides consultancy and support by making selection and application analyzes suitable for your process for you to use the furnaces and automation robots to be used in your aluminum casting facilities in the most efficient way.

Get Information from Our Company About the Aluminum Technology and Improvement Methods Trainings.

Purpose of our training

Aluminum Technology and Improvement Methods Training is highly essential for our customers since our main issues are quality, functionality, performance improvement and productivity. Our company provides consultancy services to our clients on how to benefit the most from the current technology.

* Quality Production

* Performance Enhancement

* Efficient Production

* Reducing Unplanned Downtime

* Shortening Maintenance Times

* Increasing Production Capacity